It is a pity and indeed shameful that Bayelsans are busy fighting themselves while other States are pursing development with all vigour. The same thing happened during the Awolowo - cocoa era. While Awo was busy developing the West, other regions were busy engaging in political wrangling.
Let us be wise and stop fighting. We should concentrate and seek ways of developing Bayelsa State. Presently, States like Lagos, Aqua Ibom, Cross Rivers, Enugu and some others are focused and are busy developing their towns and cities, and here we are busy fighting.
The time will come again in future as it is now, when we have to give account of what we did with the resources available to us now. As usual with Nigerians, then, shall we again start putting the blame on the federal government? We have every opportunity now to move our people forward in the political, economical and fiscal arenas.
I really pity us, because, I hear all kinds of degradating comments about how "we like enjoyment too much," "we are lazy people," "we are illitrates," "we are trouble makers," so on and so forth. Really, when you pause and look at how our people behave, how we manage our resources, and how we run the government of the State, you can not but wonder whether all these negative lies and not true afterall.
Are we really serious at all? Bayelsans, let us be wise. Let us stop the fighting now. We should rather focus our energies on other areas. We should for instance capitalize on the Amnesty programme, and start deploying effectively the resources of the State and massively develope our infrusture with the seriousness it deserve.
Individual wealth will not get us anywhere. Personal wealth dies when you the owner passes away, but infrastructure remains as a legacy for our children. We should drop ergoism, selfishness and party differences and we should all put our hands on the plow without looking back.
We can not always be the back benchers in the affairs in the Nigeria federation. Now is the time to make a change. Peace to all Bayelsans and happy holidays.