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Showing posts from September, 2009

Rebranding Nigeria Project

Beddes and Grosset Webster define brand as trademark; a particular make or kind of goods. Therefore, branding is essentially about products; and a communications function of design, packaging and publicity. The Nigeria rebranding project therefore is out of focus and faulty and requires urgent redefinition of the entire process. Rebranding in the context of the Nigeria experience should focus on our national identity, which in this instance are our products. Our national identity includes and not limited to our national anthem, flag, name of country, currency, crest and emblems, uniforms of our police and armed forces, our national colours etc. It is after the completion of the rebranding process that publicity and public relations commences. It is during this process that image laundering, and to put more aptly, 'social re-engineering' can be introduced. As it is practiced now, we are simply putting the cart before the horse. We need to re-align the process with internatio...

Sony's new PS3 ads upset Nigeria (that's racist!)

I first saw this Sony Ad on Twitter days ago and have since followed the comments .  Well let's see, apology? Yes! Maybe for irresponsible communications on the part of Sony. But does Nigeria deserve it? Hmm! Again, may be for our re-branding efforts. However, some think otherwise because of the 419 scam escapades. On the contrary though, I think that if Black Africa can live without apology from our slave masters decades after the end of slave trade and giving the efforts the government of Nigeria is making to fight the 419 scourge, EFCC in particular. I think our white brothers should be more understanding and not spite all Nigerians with such scorn as expressed in some of the comments. 

Why Living in Lekki is Expensive and Dangarous

Lekki has turned out to be a high cost neighbourhood. Housing is very expensive, just as it is with food items. Transportation cost is high so are all other aspects of life in that axis. Lekki has not yet developed fully. Most parts of Lekki deos not have tared roads, clearly marked out drive paths nor are there government hospital, fire service station, post office, pipe-borne water and other public utilities. Despite the absence of these infrastructure, cost of living is on the rise. One begins to wonder what will happen when these facilities are provided and the area becomes dense. Many Lekki residents provide their own water, generate power, construct roads, engage security operatives etc. With such lack of infrastructure, you can not lay your fingers on any particular reason why cost of living is higher than most other parts of the city. There are also security concerns. The Lekki high way has turned out to be a slaughter slab for motorist and pedestrians. Live...

Intellectual Property Infringement in Nigeria

Intellectual property owners in Nigeria gathered at the National Theatre during a protest rally displaying placards. The practitioners made up of musicians, actors, writers etc. are embarking on what they described as hunger strike which they claim will continue until they get the attention of government. The protesters are calling for the short-down of Alaba International market in Western Nigeria, which it is believed remains the single largest international piracy cartel in sub-Saharan Africa. As part of their protest, high powered delegation will be sent to the National Assembly in Abuja. They also announced a plan to ask all radio and television stations nation-wide to stand-down all music programs for twelve hours starting from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. This action is too driving in the importance of music in our lives. This is the first time ever that such a large gathering of intellectual property owners have come together to protest against copyright abuse. These Nigerians ...